Podcast: Why Rolls-Royce Is Charging Ahead With the UltraFan

As an UltraFan demonstrator is prepared for 2021 tests, chief engineer Andy Geer tells Aviation Week editors about Rolls-Royce’s faith in a market recovery—and why UltraFan will be an engine for all seasons.

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A good report. Thanks.
I see no possibility that aviation will not be dependent on fossil fuel energy densities. Aviation is the highest-visibility carbon generator and a too-easy target of society. Aviation members need to find a structure that allows them to 1) agree that fossil fuels are their future, then 2) create and manage a massive carbon offset program to bring aviation to carbon neutrality. But this can only happen if ALL of aviation joins together to make it happen. Waiting for political pressure to force the issue will not be the right strategy.
RR Ultrafan Podcast