New Investment Keeps AAM Leaders On Track, But More Money Is Needed

Joby Aviation S4 eVTOL prototype

Joby’s first company-conforming S4 eVTOL prototype is in the final stages of assembly.

Credit: Joby Aviation
Some of the leading investors who have poured billions of dollars into advanced air mobility have shown continued confidence in the nascent industry by increasing their stakes in startups striving to move novel aircraft through certification and into production and operation. Investment management...
Graham Warwick

Graham leads Aviation Week's coverage of technology, focusing on engineering and technology across the aerospace industry, with a special focus on identifying technologies of strategic importance to aviation, aerospace and defense.

Ben Goldstein

Based in Washington, Ben covers Congress, regulatory agencies, the Departments of Justice and Transportation and lobby groups.

New Investment Keeps AAM Leaders On Track, But More Money Is Needed is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers.

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