How Patrick Shanahan Will Change Spirit Aero—Or Not

Boeing 737 shipset

A new deal with Boeing that includes more money on 737 shipsets (pictured) helps Spirit AeroSystems, but the supplier needs another deal with Airbus.

Credit: Spirit AeroSystems
Patrick Shanahan is giving himself a year to achieve change for good at Spirit AeroSystems, the troubled Wichita aerostructures supplier at the heart of Boeing’s production ecosystem and a key Tier 1 supplier across aerospace and defense. To do so, he plans to make operational changes immediately...
Michael Bruno

Based in Washington, Michael Bruno is Aviation Week Network’s Executive Editor for Business. He oversees coverage of aviation, aerospace and defense businesses, supply chains and related issues.

Sean Broderick

Senior Air Transport & Safety Editor Sean Broderick covers aviation safety, MRO, and the airline business from Aviation Week Network's Washington, D.C. office.

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