Over 200 airlines, airports, tourism authorities and aviation suppliers are confirmed to attend Routes’ first ever virtual event taking place from 30 November – 4 December. The event will provide an essential platform for key aviation stakeholders to collaborate, negotiate and offer important insights that will inform future business decisions.
Speaking to long-standing members of the aviation community, we connected with the industry ahead of Routes Reconnected 2020 to demonstrate the importance of collaboration that will be needed in the recovery.
During the event’s conference programme, over 30 hours of insight will be delivered from industry heavyweights as they examine the impact of COVID-19 and engage in conversations that will shape future, collective industry action. Delegates can look forward to hearing leading insight from associations including the Airports Council International (ACI):
“Airports cannot go it alone. Although the response to the COVID-19 crisis has differed across the world, the pandemic is a reminder that we are stronger together. Collaboration, cooperation, and consistency will be key to a sustainable recovery.”
Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General, ACI World
This sentiment is echoed by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), who when speaking to Routes, told us:
“In this critical time, we've learned, and this crisis has shown us, that it is vital that the sector comes together and collaborates. In this complex crisis, no one stakeholder group can do it alone; we need collaboration, cooperation and alignment.”
Tiffany Misrahi, VP for Policy, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
We also spoke to some of our airline keynote speakers, who during a series of airline briefings at Routes Reconnected, will share with airports and tourism authorities the critical data and information they can provide in order to strengthen existing relationships and maximise emerging opportunities to launch new routes across various markets:
“Airports, and particularly air service development teams, need to become more nimble in providing solutions and partnering with our success.”
Arik De, Chief Revenue and Network Officer, TAP Air Portugal
On the airport and tourism side, we spoke to Melbourne Airport and Cult Collective (formerly the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority), who shared their thoughts on best practice and the requirements needed from other stakeholders to help restart and speed up the recovery of the sector:
“The closure of our borders to international travel was the first decisive move to limit the spread of COVID-19 into our community. Re-opening Australia’s borders will be a great moment, a sign that the worst is behind us.
We know there’s a lot of pent-up demand to fly to and within Australia, we know it’s a safe and controlled mode of transport, now we just need restrictions to ease so that Victorians can reconnect with their loved ones before the end of the year.”
Lyell Strambi, CEO, Melbourne Airport
“While airlines are being reactive right now, at some point they're going to make a long-term plan. If you're not building those relationships now, you’re not going to have them when you need them. When the restrictions lift, airlines are looking at where they're going to put their planes and you want to be at the top of that list.”
Cathy Tull, Managing Director at Cult Collective (formerly LVCVA)
Routes’ sister company and leading aviation consultancy, ASM, will provide two crucial sessions during the Routes Reconnected conference programme where they will provide their views on what the future holds for route development and how best to succeed in this volatile market environment. ASM will also demonstrate to airports how to highlight their true potential catchment area through a leakage study:
“It would be naive to think that doing nothing will be okay, because airlines need to remain fluid, airports must be able to deliver for the airlines. It's the airlines and airports that work together where you'll see success.”
Aidan Mooney, Vice President, Consulting, ASM
The conversations that will take place at Routes Reconnected will be critical in shaping the future of the world’s air services. Visit the event webpages to find out more, or secure your place today.