Maximise your meetings after Routes Europe

Routes Europe is an outstanding platform for air service development professionals to meet and discuss new and existing routes – but ASM want to ensure that you continue these conversations well beyond your journey home.

The global consultancy will host a special Post Routes Clinic at the event on Tuesday 25th April at 16:10, which is designed to help you maximise the impact of your meetings.

During this short training session ASM will help you to identify the areas that you can focus on to take your conversations to the next level; ASM is the world’s first aviation route development consultancy and the sister company to Routes, so there is no one better placed to help you put together the ‘perfect follow up’.

In addition, ASM will also be providing a free taster course of their leading training course schedule at the event on Negotiating Airline Deals & Legal Guidelines with Jeremy Robinson, partner, Watson Farley and Williams LLP.

Taking place at 12:15 on Tuesday 25th April, the course will show you how to structure route development deals with airlines and how to meet the legal guidelines.

Scheduling has now closed, so you are unable to add the session to your diary, but if you’re interested please contact or simply drop in at the start of either session.