Matthew Fulco

Business Editor

Washington, DC


Matthew Fulco is Business Editor for Aviation Week, focusing on commercial aerospace and defense. He previously worked as a journalist in Taiwan for eight years, covering semiconductor supply chains, defense and geopolitics. Prior to that he was based in Shanghai for five years covering the technology and hospitality sectors. He is proficient in Mandarin Chinese and French. Matthew holds a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a BA in History from Kenyon College.


By Matthew Fulco
In the 2.5 years since it was established by leading private equity firm Warburg Pincus, Aquila has focused on end-of-life aircraft transactions.
Airlines & Lessors

By Matthew Fulco
Geopolitical tensions, particularly Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are driving the strongest defense market demand since 2008-09.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Matthew Fulco
The panelists spoke Nov. 7 during a discussion on the first day of Aviation Week’s A&D Programs event in Washington.
Budget, Policy & Operations