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Latest Space Content By Aviation Week & Space Technology

Jun 29, 2016
NASA’s Curiosity rover detected the unexpected mineral while sampling during its methodical climb of Mount Sharp.
Jun 24, 2016
With production of several large programs ramping up this year, the challenge for French aerospace companies will be to maintain quality and schedule.
Jun 22, 2016
A coronal mass ejection could be particularly devastating in today’s globally wired world. Scientists advocate research into solar storms with smallsats at the forefront.
Jun 22, 2016
Two small features on Mars’s Mount Sharp are targets for observation with Curiosity’s MastCam camera as part of the quest to determine whether there is life on the planet.
Jun 21, 2016
A new report from the British Parliament calls on the government to view the recent return of astronaut Tim Peake from the International Space Station as an opportunity to support the U.K.’s growing space sector, not a cause for complacency.
Jun 20, 2016
Despite clear progress toward completion, Stratolaunch Systems remains coy about when the vehicle will begin flight tests.
Jun 17, 2016
Will this spirit of compromise last? | Just before SpaceX launch, Bezos touts improvements to Blue Origin engine | Lawmaker’s bid to boost NASA aero funding.
Jun 16, 2016
Seeing prospects for growth, the French government is investing in its commercial space sector, including support for new internet constellations.