Enstrom And MD Plot Return To The Rotorcraft Market

MD Helicopters’ MD500 platform

MD Helicopters’ MD500 platform is the only type in production under the new management. It is popular with utility operators and law enforcements customers such as the Houston Police Department, one of whose helicopters is pictured.

Credit: MD Helicopters
Two of the most familiar U.S. rotorcraft brands almost disappeared last year. Enstrom Helicopter Corp. and MD Helicopters are relatively small players in the global industry, but they benefit from legacies that extend back decades into a golden age of rotorcraft development. Both populate huge...
Tony Osborne

Based in London, Tony covers European defense programs. Prior to joining Aviation Week in November 2012, Tony was at Shephard Media Group where he was deputy editor for Rotorhub and Defence Helicopter magazines.

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