Aviation Week & Space Technology - Defense Technology Edition

By Brian Everstine, Guy Norris, Steve Trimble, Graham Warwick
New bomber is touted as the first sixth-generation aircraft, with advances in stealth and range named as key features.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By William Garvey
“Ike” Eisenhower’s Connie is the only privately-owned former Air Force One saved from the scrap heap
Aircraft & Propulsion

Ground forces upgrade situational awareness and weapons accuracy in asymmetric combat with a range of advanced recon and fire control systems.

Charles Beaudouin, head of the French army’s procurement arm STAT, focuses on getting what soldiers need when they need it, and not waiting until the technology is most advanced.

By Jen DiMascio
The coverage provided by the monthly Defense Technology International edition will be integrated into every issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology and available even more quickly.

European nations seek to rebuild defense capabilities with joint programs and cooperative research.

A meta-skin developed by university researchers shows promise in suppressing radar signals and rendering objects invisible.

Contractor Rheinmetall proposes advanced technology as a key asset in countering threats to downsized military forces.

By Angus Batey
As 3-D printing capabilities grow, military users eye the process as a way of meeting urgent part needs where and when necessary.

A portable tactical robot carries a multi-shot sidearm to remove threats from contested areas.

The U.S. Navy steams ahead with new and occasionally controversial concepts in destroyer and amphibious ship design.

London and Paris will continue their cooperation on the development of advanced naval weapons for air, surface and undersea deployment.

The U.S. Navy staff director brings a special perspective to the operations and politics of the Asia-Pacific region.

Russia’s intervention in Ukraine has Eastern European members of NATO on edge, and the alliance developing plans to protect them.

Researchers propose using encoded DNA strands to meet ever-increasing data-storage needs.

Development of pocket-sized UAS attracts Army interest for the benefits it could provide to squad intel.

As regional hostilities spill into the Mediterranean, Israel’s navy adds sophisticated anti-missile defense systems.

The emerging science of synthetic biology promises innovative advances in bio-based materials development.

Study finds that even in a dangerous situation, many people will trust a ‘guide robot’ despite the mistakes in direction it makes.

Bulldozer, all-terrain vehicle built by UNAC will continue French innovative tradition.

China’s expansion into the South China Sea can be seen as a form of manifest destiny that will impact relations with the region and the U.S.

Specialists can now analyze IED blasts and, possibly, identify bomb builders with a new mobile lab.

U.S. Navy’s EA-18G Growler sparks praise for the aircraft’s jamming capabilities as its use expands.

A U.S. Army plan to modify 155-mm howitzers and shells will more than double the weapon’s range, but without affecting mobility.