Aviation Week & Space Technology - Defense Technology Edition

Senior Defense Editor Bill Sweetman talks with Alan Dershowitz, a booster for the Israeli cause, about morality and warfare in general and in that country in particular.

Pat Toensmeier
U.S. Navy developing unmanned surface vehicles to defeat growing threat from swarming small boats

Pat Toensmeier
U.S. Army, Georgia Tech develop improved testing of software upgrades for Common Missile Warning System

Pat Toensmeier
New ability to measure to extremely minute degree the dynamic deflection and failure of ballistic fibers as they deform under high-speed impact has U.S. Army Research Laboratory scientists closing in on developing innovative body armor for soldiers that outperforms current versions.

Christina Mackenzie
Australia, other nations, mulling tradeoffs of various submarine battery and propulsion alternatives

Zord Gabor Laszlo
Tensions in Eastern Europe have Poland looking to fortify its defense capability

Angus Batey
Developments in next-gen wearable and handheld IT products to bolster soldiers’ gear has lagged at some companies, but not at Chemring Technology Solutions

Douglas Barrie
People must remain central to any robotic systems

This expanded issue of Aviation Week’s Defense Technology International edition is the first of a series planned to coincide with major defense shows worldwide. This week, the Association of the U.S. Army convention and show opens in Washington—an event that grew rapidly during the 2000s as the U.S. committed soldiers and weapons to the longest land conflict in its history.

Douglas Macgregor
If the outcome of wars is decided decades before they are fought, the U.S. is already late in planning for future conflicts

Swedish army’s chief of staff is restructuring the service as a modern force.

At 7,000 troops, the Peace Mission 2014 military exercise of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was not large militarily. But its geopolitical importance was considerable: It was the biggest exercise to date for a budding anti-democratic alliance that includes two nuclear powers and could soon gain three more.

With the evolution of modern satellite-based navigation, miniaturized inertial measurement systems, advanced electro-optical and laser sensors and powerful yet compact computing and advanced data links, robots are becoming smart enough to carry out autonomous missions as efficiently, or better than, their human counterparts.

By Graham Warwick
Darpa’s Ground X-Vehicle Technology program is a precursor to experimental vehicles that would demonstrate improved survivability by new means.

Armies using new technologies, force structures to counter evolving threats

Francis Tusa
Man-portable weapon upgrades were featured by Saab Dynamics at its recent industry day

Combining assets to defeat the rocket, artillery and mortar (RAM) threat has proven successful, but other traditional threats (aircraft/cruise missile) and emerging asymmetric ones (unmanned air systems) still have been treated separately. The RAM experience suggested an integrated approach to defeating these threats and to the acquisition process. This approach unites sensor, weapons and mission-command components with a standard set of interfaces using a standardized set of networks to communicate—a meta-system for air defense.

Angus Batey
Enhanced land-mine detection product is underway in Europe

While the U.S. Special Operations Command has seen its force size and budget grow despite the current fiscal austerity sweeping Washington, it is looking not for new platforms but for ways of obtaining more data from its existing unmanned air systems, especially small ones such as AeroVironment’s man-portable, hand-launched RQ-11 Raven.

Next-generation aircraft require fortified amphibious assault ships to handle their extra heat, downwash

David Eshel
Conflict tally highlights intensity of Israeli action in Gaza

David Hambling
Developers eye mini-lasers for small UAVs

David Hambling
A version of this article appears in the September 15 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.

David Hambling
A version of this article appears in the September 15 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.

David Hambling
A version of this article appears in the September 15 issue of Aviation Week & Space Technology.