Dream Chaser Lifting Body Set For Delivery To NASA Ahead Of 2024 Launch

Dream Chaser DC-101 Tenacity

With only a few remaining sections of the thermal protection system still to be attached, Dream Chaser DC-101 Tenacity was photographed virtually complete in Sierra’s Louisville, Colorado, assembly facility. Measuring 30 ft. long with a wingspan of 27 ft., the spaceplane weighs about 24,600 lb.

Credit: Sierra Space
The lifting body concept—long considered a leading contender for routine and affordable access to space—will finally have a chance to prove itself at full scale when Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser launches into orbit next year. Generating aerodynamic lift from its broad body and canted wings, the...
Guy Norris

Guy is a Senior Editor for Aviation Week, covering technology and propulsion. He is based in Colorado Springs.

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