Defense Budget, Policy & Operations Analysis

Oct 25, 2023
South Korea’s 4.5-generation fighter program is looking for external support after keeping the KF-21 flight test on track.
Oct 25, 2023
A transmission upgrade underway for the KUH-1 Surion may help pave the way to a high-speed helicopter in the 2030s.
Oct 24, 2023
Aging fleets and regional instability are making Gulf Cooperation Council member countries prime marketing opportunities for airlifter OEMs.
Oct 23, 2023
Combat aircraft procurement among the Gulf Cooperation Council states is in constant flux, given the geopolitics and threats faced in the region.
Oct 20, 2023
The Republic of Singapore Air Force is testing an upgrade to the Airbus MRTT boom flight control software on the F-15SG.

Premium Defense Budget, Policy & Operations News

Nov 21, 2023
A new research paper from George Mason University suggests fears and assumptions of a shrinking and overly concentrated defense industrial base are overblown.
Nov 20, 2023
The U.S. aid amounts to Ukraine have dwindled in comparison to earlier batches as the Defense Department awaits a supplemental funding package from Congress.
Nov 17, 2023
The Indonesian Air Force says four people died when two of its Embraer A-29 Super Tucano counterinsurgency aircraft crashed into a mountainside.
Nov 16, 2023
The resumption of military-to-military talks between the U.S. and China will start with theater commanders.
Nov 16, 2023
Catherine Koerner will succeed Jim Free as associate administrator of the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate, it has been announced.
Nov 16, 2023
The Raytheon SM-6s will be fitted onto the new South Korean Navy KDX Batch II destroyers, the first of which—christened Jeongjo the Great—has begun sea trials.
Nov 15, 2023
A White House official says U.S. space regulations—developed decades ago—were crafted when commercial space capabilities were limited.
Nov 15, 2023
The decision to select the E-7 has been made by a consortium of nations including Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania and the U.S.