Pandemic Brings About MRO Diversification | パンデミックがMRO業界の事業多角化を推進する

FL Technics plans to build a 215,000-ft.2 maintenance hangar at Punta Cana International Airport in the Dominican Republic. The company expects to open the facility that will include five maintenance bays in 2025.

Credit: FL Technics


コロナ危機の初期においては、MRO各社は民間旅客機の代わりに貨物機や軍用機の整備に目を向けた。貨物分野の代表例はイギリスを拠点とするCaerdav社で、ボーイング737旅客機の貨物仕様への改装事業に乗り出した。また、STS Aviation Group社は、イギリス・バーミンガム工場で民間機と軍用機の業務を切り分け、ボーイング737NGのウェッジテイルAEW(早期警戒機)Mk.1への改装を昨年夏から進めている。

MRO事業の多角化は、特に新たなニッチ領域を形成しようとする独立系メンテナンス企業にとって重要であり、StandardAero社やAAR社などはパンデミックによる大きな影響を相殺するための手段として、その重要性を強調している。このような事業の多角化を進めたMRO企業としては、カナダのKF Aerospace社も挙げられる。同社のエンジニアリングおよびメンテナンス担当副社長・ Gregg Evjen氏は「過去12ヶ月間を振り返ると、最も注目すべき点は多角化された事業ポートフォリオの重要性だ」と語り、機体構造およびアビオニクスの改装作業をその一例として挙げている。





エンジン分野については、工場整備の延期との二重苦に陥っているにも関わらず、企業にとっては有望な分野であることが明らかになった。過去12ヶ月間だけを見ても複数のMRO企業がエンジン事業を立ち上げている。大規模な工場整備の需要は減少したものの、短期の保守作業は堅調に推移しており、業界が徐々に危機から回復していく中で、その傾向は今後も続くことになるだろう。ヨーロッパでは、FL Technics社とMagnetic MRO社がエンジンに特化した事業を開始した。
そんな中、アジア太平洋地域では、シンガポールに拠点を置くSIA Engineering Company社が自社のエンジン関連サービスを統合し、CFM社製LEAP-1Aおよび-1Bエンジンの短期工場整備や軽整備に特化した、新たなエンジンMRO部門を設立した。

内装分野については、航空会社が流動性の確保とコスト削減を図っていることから、当分は需要が低迷すると思われる。このことはマーケットでも指摘されており、アクセサリー・機体修理・内装などがMRO事業の主な収益源となっている Triumph Group社などは、「エンジンの部品や構造などの実績を基に、内装中心のポートフォリオから多角化していく」と発表している。

このようにしてMRO業界は既存分野での多角化を迅速に進めていったが、長期的に見ると、一般的な旅客サービス分野の外側に新たなチャンスが潜んでいるかもしれない。その代表例は宇宙分野で、宇宙旅行サービスを提供するVirgin Galactic社とMRO企業の提携や、Lufthansa Technik社がNASAのプロジェクトに参画するといった事例がすでにみられている。また、都市型エアモビリティ分野についても、既存のアフターマーケット基盤がまだ比較的少ないことから、MRO業界が事業拡大を検討する領域になるだろう。

Aviation Week Intelligence Network (AWIN) のメンバーシップにご登録いただくと、開発プログラムやフリートの情報、会社や連絡先データベースへのアクセスが可能になり、新たなビジネスの発見やマーケット動向を把握することができます。貴社向けにカスタマイズされた製品デモをリクエスト。 

As the novel coronavirus crisis has seen aftermarket revenues hit by a slump in demand for aircraft repair services, MROs have looked for new ways to adapt during the crisis. For those with the means to invest, adding new capabilities or expanding existing ones have been implemented to not just add new streams of revenue, but to also carve out new service lines for the long-term. 

In the immediate outbreak of the crisis, MROs typically looked to cargo and military maintenance as in lieu of commercial aircraft. Examples of this in the cargo space include UK-based Caerdav moving into passenger to freighter conversion work focused on Boeing 737 aircraft. STS Aviation Group decided to split the work between commerical and military at its Birmingham, UK facility to accommodate the conversion of Boeing 737NG aircraft into Wedgetail Airborne Early Warning Mk1 aircraft in the summer of last year.

MRO business diversification has been particularly important to independent maintenance providers looking to form new niches, with the likes of StandardAero and AAR highlighting this importance as a means of offsetting larger impacts from the virus. Another MRO who pushed this diversification of services is Canada’s KF Aerospace. “The biggest eye opener over the past 12 months has been the importance of a diverse work portfolio,” says Gregg Evjen, the company's VP, engineering and maintenance, who cites structural and avionics modifications work as being an example of this diversity.

“We [KF Aerospace] focus on a balance between maintenance and modification work. This helps provide a balance in the type of work we do, whether its cargo or passenger aircraft related, and helps maintain a highly skilled workforce with respect to our aircraft maintenance engineers, our engineering department and our manufacturing department,” he says.

Other MROs have also sought to broaden their airframe repair offerings, with narrowbody specialists typically opting for 737Max and A320neo certifications. While the recovery prospects for the widebody aircraft segment are anticipated to be slower, this hasn’t deterred MRO providers. Among those diversifying includes Vallair, which earlier this month, ventured into widebody aerostructure repairs with a A330 offering.

While it is believed by analysts that the crisis could lead to some OEMs pairing back their aftermarket intentions, some are nevertheless looking at MRO as a means of offsetting disruptions to program developments and production schedules.

Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) outlining plans to increase MRO activities at the end of 2020 having paused its M90 Spacejet aircraft development. It aims to tap into its knowledge as a type certificate holder for the CRJ program it acquitted from Bombardier, while also stating its desire to work on non-CRJ aircraft types.

The engine segment, hit by the dual challenge of deferred shop visits, has nevertheless proved fertile ground for companies. The past 12 months alone have seen several MROs establish designated engine businesses. While demand for heavy shop visits has decreased over the past 12 months, lighter, quick turn engine work has remained steady and will continue to do so as the industry gradually emerges from the crisis. In Europe, both FL Technics and Magnetic MRO have started specialized engine businesses in the past 12 months. 

Meanwhile, in Asia-Pacific, Singapore-based SIA Engineering Company consolidated its engine services into one business by establishing a new engine MRO division offering quick turn shop visits and light maintenance services for CFM LEAP-1A and -1B engine.

Interiors work is expected to hit a lull with demand dampened by carriers looking to preserve liquidity and cut costs. This has been noted by the market, and companies like Triumph Group, which generates the majority of its MRO work from accessories, structural repair and interiors, has stated its intention to diversify its product portfolio looking away from interiors to “build on what we do in engine components and structures.”

But while MROs have been quick to diversify their businesses into existing parts of the segment, other opportunities may lie outside conventional passenger travel long-term. These include areas such as the space industry as a new source of revenue for MRO providers, given the development of ties between MRO providers and the Virgin Galactic spaceflight company, in addition to MROs such as Lufthansa Technik undertaking work on NASA projects. Urban Air Mobility is also one area where companies may look to increase capability, given the relative scarcity of its existing aftermarket infrastructure to date. 

James Pozzi

As Aviation Week's MRO Editor EMEA, James Pozzi covers the latest industry news from the European region and beyond. He also writes in-depth features on the commercial aftermarket for Inside MRO.