The chart below shows the average utilization rates of narrowbody aircraft engines by hours from January to July this year. These are comprised of CFM International's CFM56 family and its LEAP successor, along with narrowbody engine competitors the V2500 and the newer Pratt & Whitney PW1000G engine family.
So far this year, the data shows that aircraft powered by the newer LEAP and PW1000G engines are flying more hours per month on average than the legacy CFM56 and V2500 engine types.
Some of the key data takeaways are:
CFM56: Averaging 159.66 utilization hours in January 2022, the engine stalwart comprised of -3, -5 and -7 variants has risen steadily throughout the year to reach its highest average in July of 211.85 hr.
V2500: Powering Airbus A320 aircraft, the IAE-manufactured V2500 was averaging below 200 hr. in monthly utilization rates. It eventually surpassed a 200 hr. average in June, before hitting a high for the year so far in July of 231.74 hr.
LEAP: The LEAP engine, comprised of the -1A, -1B and -1C variants, has seen the highest utiliziation rates by average hours of any narrowbody engine so far this year. January saw an average of 222.17 hr. and, after a slight dip in February, this average has grown monthly and hit 281.31 average hours in July.
PW1000G: The Pratt & Whitney-manufactured engine has seen consistent flight hour utilization rates rise since February. In July, it saw an average of 254.42 hr. for that month.
Source: Aviation Week Fleet Discovery data.