Commercial Space

Sep 14, 2023
NASA is working with at least six companies interested in operating orbital outposts.
Sep 06, 2023
Companies work to track millions of pieces of space junk and plan for their incineration.
Sep 01, 2023
On its third flight, Firefly will attempt to integrate a payload and launch a rocket within 24 hr.
Aug 31, 2023
With three expected bidders and three planned awards, everyone wins at whatever the price.
Aug 15, 2023
Space freighter module forms the basis for multiple future missions.
Nov 02, 2023
Kuva Space of Finland has raised €16.6 million ($17.6 million) in funding to start building and launching a hyperspectral cubesat constellation.
Nov 01, 2023
With this fresh funding round, Skyroot has raised a total of $95 million, top among Indian space startups.
Nov 01, 2023
Ovzon of Sweden plans to launch its Ovzon 3 geostationary communications satellite, which has an antenna that can generate steerable spot beams, as soon as December 2023.
Oct 31, 2023
Dómhnal Slattery has a new job as chairman of a startup looking to commercialize a centrifuge-based mass accelerator for space access called SpinLaunch.
Oct 31, 2023
A privately owned lunar lander slated to fly aboard the first United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket arrived in Florida on Oct. 30 for launch preparations.
Oct 31, 2023
Sidus Space continues to shuffle its management with the departure of its chief technology officer, Jamie Adams, who was also a director on its board.
Oct 30, 2023
“We arrived at strategic business decisions regarding our spectrum allocation,” Michelle Parker, vice president, Boeing Space Mission Systems, wrote.
Oct 30, 2023
Ship remote control service Seafar is integrating neXat, a satellite communications service, into its remote ship navigation technology.