Space Industry Analysis

Jun 09, 2023
Heavy state intervention could weigh down China’s plans to dominate commercial space.
Jun 08, 2023
A routine checkpoint review exposed two safety issues that were seeded long ago.
Jun 02, 2023
A look at some of the images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope.
Jun 01, 2023
Company’s newly refurbished spaceship and carrier jet return to flight.
Jun 01, 2023
On its second private charter to the ISS, Axiom flies a pair of Saudi astronauts.
May 26, 2023
Like a shooting star, Virgin Orbit’s quick flare-up and steady diminution punctuates new space’s financial struggles.
Nov 08, 2023
After 11 years of cooperation with Arianespace, Avio is preparing to become a launch service operator itself in the coming months.
Nov 08, 2023
Suborbital space tourism provider Virgin Galactic is laying off workers to fund production of the Delta variant of its spaceships, the company said late Nov. 7.
Nov 07, 2023
The European Space Agency’s newly launched Euclid telescope has captured a smattering of sharp, wide-field images of galaxies near and far.
Nov 06, 2023
The demo would be led by the Space Technology Mission Directorate.
Nov 06, 2023
Norway’s Andøya Spaceport has opened new facilities to enable satellite launches from the High North of Scandinavia.
Nov 06, 2023
China’s iSpace has completed the country’s first test of a reusable rocket, performing a 50-sec. "hop" with the first stage of its Hyperbola-2 launch vehicle.
Nov 03, 2023
SpaceX’s internet-beaming Starlink satellite division has reached cash flow breakeven, CEO Elon Musk says.
Nov 03, 2023
NASA has rescheduled the planned launch of an International Space Station resupply mission from Nov. 7 to Nov. 9 because of a nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer leak.