
By Steve Trimble
X-Bow received a $64 million contract from the Pentagon’s Industrial Base Policy office to expand manufacturing and lower production costs for SRMs.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Guy Norris, Steve Trimble
Long-term pressure gain remains the goal, but compact combustion is accelerating near-term adoption of the technology for high-speed propulsion systems.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
The EL-2 Goldfinch’s multiple electric propellers blow the wing to enable ultra-short takeoffs and landings.
Advanced Air Mobility

By Garrett Reim
For future surveillance satellites, the service seeks new thrusters and in-space refueling so it can “burn gas at will.”

Readers write about the U.S. Army FLRAA contest and fuel cell propulsion. Plus: Behind the Scenes: Aviation Week Events and Informa win awards.
Aviation Week & Space Technology

Martha Neubauer
Hydrogen propulsion in aviation faces significant technical and market challenges.
Emerging Technologies

By Alex Derber
Spare engines have become a chokepoint for airlines due to delivery delays and longer periods out of service for older engines undergoing maintenance.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris, Thierry Dubois
Ambitious large scale airframe modification programs will convert two A380s into flying technology testbeds for a hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen combustion and an
Emerging Technologies

Christian Albertson
Which engines and airlines will generate the most engine MRO demand in North America over the next decade.
Aircraft & Propulsion