Dassault Falcon 10X

By Tony Osborne
Germany has formally contracted for three additional Boeing P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft, just days after funding was approved by the Parliament.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Molly McMillin
The organization was formed to create a community among Falcon owners and operators, maintenance professionals, flight crew and others.

By Thierry Dubois, Helen Chachaty
Germany's refusal to deliver Eurofighters to Saudi Arabia is a worry for Dassault chief Eric Trappier with France eying future FCAS exports.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Guy Norris
Rolls-Royce plans to run back-to-back tests of a Pearl 10X turbofan with Jet A and SAF to check emissions and validate progress.

By Lee Ann Shay
Dassault executives provided updates on the Falcon 6X and 10X certification schedules at EBACE.

By Guy Norris
After surpassing target thrust levels on its first test run, Rolls says the first Pearl 10X is now ready to go on its Boeing 747-200 flying testbed.