Rolls-Royce Pearl

By Tony Osborne
The core from Rolls-Royce's Pearl family of business jet engines could power the remote carriers that will operate as a component of FCAS.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
With long-awaited certification of the ultra-long-range G700 seemingly imminent, Gulfstream is using Dubai Airshow as the jumping-off point for a six-week tour.
Dubai Airshow

By Guy Norris
The engine surpassed the target thrust levels on its very first run.

By Guy Norris
The tests were conducted at the German Aerospace Center DLR Cologne facility.
Airports, FBOs & Suppliers

By Guy Norris
Rolls-Royce is expanding research into hydrogen-fueled aviation and the company has recently launched a hydrogen technology program.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
Rolls-Royce plans to run back-to-back tests of a Pearl 10X turbofan with Jet A and SAF to check emissions and validate progress.

By Guy Norris
After surpassing target thrust levels on its first test run, Rolls says the first Pearl 10X is now ready to go on its Boeing 747-200 flying testbed.

By Guy Norris
Engine-makers are accelerating tests of business aircraft engines with 100% sustainable aviation fuel.