Demand for eco-friendly vacations and travel experiences will influence LATAM Airlines Group’s future network planning decisions in South America, Routes has been told.
The sustainability agenda is already an important factor as the airline chooses “the places where we're flying.” Future trends will lead to a more joined-up approach to sustainability and network planning, said the airline’s corporate affairs and sustainability director Juan José Tohá.
“I can imagine that someone from Europe will fly on a green experience, where actually it’s not only about avoiding doing harm to nature—it's about doing good with your flight and experience,” Tohá said.
“So really what you get is more than a holiday experience, it's a green experience. I believe that will happen and people will choose that.”
Vacations which allow travelers to connect with the local ecosystem and contribute positively is a future trend in South America. LATAM is preparing to offer more flights to destinations such as Patagonia, Isla Majagua and Galapagos. This will become “part of the value that we offer,” Tohá added.
“You get a profound understanding that will be part of your holidays, something that you didn't have before having that experience. I believe that would be one basis of choosing places where you want to fly.”
The full interview with Juan José Tohá will be published in the October edition of Air Transport World magazine.
Photo credit: Joe Pries