WORLD ROUTES: Swedavia Launches Collaboration to Improve Sweden’s Air Connectivity

A brand new collaboration set to promote Sweden’s international air connectivity was officially announced today at World Routes in Las Vegas. Connect Sweden will support the launch of new direct routes by promoting Sweden as a destination on relevant markets, thereby supplementing Swedavia’s current incentive programs and further increase the attractiveness for airlines to invest in the region.

The collaboration is backed by representatives from the Swedish business community, the city of Stockholm, and several other national and regional organisations, together with Swedavia Swedish Airports. At the launch of Connect Sweden, Torborg Chetkovich, president and chief executive officer Swedavia Swedish Airports, spoke about what the collaboration has to offer.

“The combination of Stockholm’s superior growth prospects, Swedavia’s investments in Stockholm Arlanda Airport and the marketing support from Connect Sweden together make up a very strong proposition for airlines interested in investing in a region with unique and sustainable growth prospects”, said Torborg Chetkovich.

Together with existing marketing support, the Connect Sweden funds will provide over 20 million of investment over a three-year period. The marketing support will be introduced from 2014 and promotional activities will be decided in close cooperation with airline partners on a case by case basis.

Connect Sweden aims to strengthen Stockholm Arlanda Airport’s position as a leading Scandinavian hub as new direct routes will improve connectivity to markets crucial for the Swedish business community, promote the hospitality industry and attract capital and talent to the region.

The target is to establish new international links to and from a variety of markets, but particularly Asia, North America and Europe, leveraging the region’s favourable macro conditions and promote international air connectivity.

The combination of Stockholm’s superior growth prospects, investments in Stockholm Arlanda Airport and the marketing support from Connect Sweden together will make a very strong proposition to airlines interested in investing in a region with sustainable growth prospects.

Sweden is the largest economy in Scandinavia and currently one of the healthiest economies across Europe. According to statistics from Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Sweden’s attractiveness is to increase further as Stockholm is expected to be the fastest growing capital in Europe until 2030. The country has a diverse economy with tourism and the private service sector (consulting, engineering, IT and finance) as the main drivers.

You can see our video interview with Torborg Chetkovich, Chief Executive Officer, Swedavia, below.

Torborg Chetkovich, Chief Executive Officer, Swedavia detailed the new Connect Sweden collaboration to enhance the country’s international air connectivity.
Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…