MD Helicopters

By Tony Osborne
As the U.S. Army prepares for high-speed rotorcraft, the commercial helicopter industry continues its wait for advanced new technologies.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Latvia plans to purchase MD530F single-engine light helicopters from MD Helicopters.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Tony Osborne
MD Helicopters is rebuilding its order backlogs and support capabilities while eyeing modernization of its veteran MD500 platform.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
MD Helicopters has closed a 12-helicopter deal with the Nigerian Army to deliver light attack versions of the company’s MD530 single-engine light rotorcraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
U.S. helicopter OEM MD Helicopters is proposing an upgrade to boost the performance of its MD520N single-engine light helicopter.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Nigeria’s Army has ordered a dozen MD 530F Cayuse Warrior light attack/scout helicopters from U.S. manufacturer MD Helicopters.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The new owners of MD Helicopters are envisioning raising production to 50 helicopters a year by 2025.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
MD Helicopters says it has ended a seven-year-long dispute with parts manufacturer Aerometals.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
New CEOs of both Enstrom and MD Helicopters can forge a new niche in the rotorcraft market for their companies.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Finland is to undertake an avionics upgrade on its fleet of Hughes/MD Helicopter MD500 light single-engine helicopters.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Molly McMillin
During the next 10 years, manufacturers are expected to deliver nearly 7,500 new production helicopters worth $36.9 billion at retail prices, according to the 2020 Helicopter Fleet & MRO Forecast by the Aviation Week Network.
Business Aviation